
Data-driven Program Design: How Financial Inclusion Program Impacts Households

Ever wonder what your life would have been like if you’d taken a different path—like skipped out on college and started your own business? Married your high school sweetheart? What if you could turn back the clock and experience what life would have been like if you’d made other choices? In the Monitoring and Evaluation

How Leaders Make Critical Decisions: Data First, Judgment Second

Feature photo: Members of the Nuru Kenya Monitoring and Evaluation team review early results from an Agriculture Program survey. In my two years as Team Leader at Nuru Kenya, the most critical lesson I’ve learned is the importance of making data-driven decisions. Nuru International Agriculture Program Strategic Advisor Matt Lineal puts it best: “Data first, judgment

Nuru Ethiopia Farmer Households Are Better Off Than Non-Nuru Farmers

We all know what it’s like to feel hunger pangs. To understand what severe hunger feels like, consider these questions: In the past month, was there ever no food of any kind to eat in your house because of lack of resources to get food? In the past month, did you or any household member
