Robi Claret, Computer Training Manager (CTM), shares thoughts on her experience training Nuru Kenya teams on computer skills.

An additional task of the Nuru Kenya Leadership Program is to equip Nuru staff with computer knowledge and skills so that they can run their programs more efficiently and effectively. This role has been very exciting for me as the Computer Training Manager having met many interesting and challenging experiences and situations that have equipped me as well as the staff with new practical computer skills.


Moving from Admin to the Leadership Program has given me new perspectives of what adult training is all about. This has aided me in adapting the trainings to meet the needs of the staff and equipping them with knowledge and skills on using the computer, which is one of Leadership’s goals.

All Nuru Kenya employees above the Field Manager position undergo computer applications training as part of their regular task. Some of these trainings include MS Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and typing. Nuru Kenya managers are also trained in use of internet and online applications such as Google Drive, Google Calendar and Smartsheet among others and are structured into three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced computer skills.


I allocate time for one-on-one sessions with individuals who need personal assistance with computer lessons. Staff sees me for consultancy on some aspects in software usage like change of data format, additional skills in use of various applications and typing lessons.

The main success with the computer program is that Nuru Kenya Managers are able to use computers in their daily work including planning. All the credit goes to the Nuru staff for all these accomplishments. It is only through their enthusiasm in seeking to learn new skills and desire to live as servant leaders that has made all this possible.
