As the month of June comes to an end, it’s my pleasure to announce Nuru’s latest partnership to you. We are now partnering with an organization called One Day’s Wages (ODW).  ODW was started by Eugene Cho in 2009 in an effort to raise awareness and funds to combat global extreme poverty.  He and his wife actually gave the entirety of their 2009 salary toward ending extreme poverty. Their goal is to see every person in the US give one day’s wages (0.44%) of their annual income to end extreme poverty.

ODW is a new grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty. ODW promotes awareness, invites simple giving, and supports sustainable relief through partnerships, especially with smaller organizations in developing regions. ODW has about 750,000 members on their facebook page, and Eugene and his organization have been getting a lot of press and exposure at conferences lately. Some of the other organizations ODW has partnered with include our friends at Charity: Water and Partners In Health.

Their vision is to inspire people around the world to simply donate one day’s wages and to renew that pledge monthly, quarterly or yearly –  or to start campaigns with a cause by donating their birthday, one day of work, or numerous other ideas – to the cause of alleviating extreme global poverty.

We at Nuru are pretty exited about the $15k grant that ODW is raising for Nuru in an effort to empower 70 Kenyan farmers to lift themselves out of extreme poverty, but we are even more excited about working together with another top notch organization dedicated to working toward the end of extreme poverty.

Visit Nuru’s page on the One Days Wages’ website, then donate one day of your wages to ending extreme poverty.
